We want to hear from you!

Over the past month, Sisters in Arms has had a number of television broadcasts and private screenings.

Our hopes for the film are to provide audiences with a personal connection to the featured  women; develop a new understanding of the people who choose to serve their country in this way; and encourage dialogue within the military as so many female soldiers would benefit from shared experiences, more role models and improved mentorship opportunities.

If you’ve seen the film, we want to hear from you.  Your thoughts and comments are a valuable contribution to the discussion that has been percolating for months.  Please keep it coming on the website, on the FB page or send me us an email!

Comments: 1 Comment

One Response to “We want to hear from you!”

  1. Ian Whitecross says:

    I really felt for the family’s. Being so far and so helpless is the hardest part and in this day and age with Skype and even emails it makes it that much easier.
    My wife’s first year long Tour in Bosnia didn’t give me the opportunity to see her and hear from her. The film was so eye opening to the viewer and I hope they understood the team dynamic’s that the military has.
    Well done.